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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Review: La chica que soñaba con una cerilla y un bidón de gasolina

La chica que soñaba con una cerilla y un bidón de gasolina (Millenium, #2)La chica que soñaba con una cerilla y un bidón de gasolina by Stieg Larsson

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I can't yet decide if I liked this book or not, I mean I know I did, but I don't really know why... perhaps If this book wasn't the second book of the millenium series, I wouldn't have liked it.

I feel such sympathy for the charachters from the first book that I couldn't be anything but intrigued with the development of this second story.

I felt that some attitudes and actions of the charachters (mainly in the second half of the book) were not convincing and that there were some forced circumstances.

All in all this 2 books have been in my opinion very well written detective novels, and can't wait to read the third one.

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