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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Review: A Widow for One Year

A Widow for One Year
A Widow for One Year by John Irving

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I think this book is way too long, and although has some interesting plots, I felt it lacked something. In my opinion the worst thing about this book was the disapointing way in which all the promising stories ended.
Irving writes fantastically, he creates conflicts and situations that are intriguing and fascinating and just when he had all myattention he just solves the situation in the most unsatisfying way possible (killing characters, solving misteries way too easily, etc)

I fealt like I was cheated, too many pages, not enough emotion.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Review: And Another Thing...

And Another Thing...
And Another Thing... by Eoin Colfer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The hitchhickers guide to the galaxy is a "Trilogy" of five books, and curiously enough in general opinion the first three books were the greatests, and not everybody liked the ending of the saga.

So here is when Eoin Colfer gets called up on stage, to try and make a "nicer" ending to this fantastic story, I am not gonna go and say that I loved this ending, but it certanly was a bit less dramatic.

One thing I liked very much about this book is that Wowbagger (who was one of my favorite characters) is back, although I didnt love the romantic relationship he gets into.

The constant critics to religion and laughs at god's expenses was great, specially when Colfer minimizes Cthulhu almightiness, for being just a semi-god.

I recommend this book to any hitchhicker fan, just dont expect Douglas Adam's genious, because those are difficult shoes to fill.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Review: The Almond Tree

The Almond Tree
The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I normally wouldn't rate a book like this one with 5's, but the message and the author's commitment to tell a story like this, (knowing about her background and religious beliefs) really moved me. So I hope that by having a high rating more people read it, because being this one her first novel and not having the number of fans other authors have, this book deserves a chance.

The book tells the story of Ichmad, a 12 years old Palestinian boy who has a great mind for mathematics, but lives in a land where oportunities are slim, and he and his people are treated as an obstacle for the stablishment of the Jewish state of Israel. Ichmad has to face some tough challenges in his life, and has to make decisions that make him question his beliefs, ethics and moral values.

The almond tree doesn't beat about the bush, from the very begining charachters that are innocent and important to Ichmad get injured or killed and sometimes it seems that everything that could go wrong, goes even worse for him and his family, so this isn't a book for impressionable people.

The story telling seemed a little weak at some points, I felt that there were really important things that were "handled" way too abrupt, without much description, but other than that I really liked this book, and recommend it to everyone.

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Review: The Almond Tree

The Almond Tree
The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I normally wouldn't rate a book like this one with 5's, but the message and the author's commitment to tell a story like this, reading about her background and religious beliefs really moved me. So I hope that by having a high rating more people read it, because I being this one her first novel and not having the number of fans other authors have.

The book tells the story of Ichmad, a 12 years old Palestinian boy who has a great mind for mathematics, but lives in a land where oportunities are slim, and he and his people are treated as an obstacle for the stablishment of the Jewish state of Israel. Ichmad has to face some tough challenges in his life, and has to make decisions that make him question his beliefs, ethics and moral values.

The almond tree doesn't beat about the bush, from the very begining charachters that are innocent and important to Ichmad get injured or killed and sometimes it seems that everything that could go wrong, goes even worse for him and his family, so this isn't a book for impressionable people.

The story telling seemed a little weak at some points, I felt that there were really important things that were "handled" way too abrupt, without much description, but other than that I really liked this book, and recommend it to everyone.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Review: 11/22/63

11/22/63 by Stephen King

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

King es un excelente contador de historias, y este libro no es la excepción. Desgraciadamente la historia en sí no me pareció mantenerse del todo a lo largo de las más de 800 páginas.

Mi parte favorita es cuando Jake se encuentra en Derry y conoce a varios de los personajes de "IT", me hubiera gustado que se desarrollara más un poco eso, pero tal vez era pedir demasiado.

El final no me pareció convincente, sobre todo por la explicación de Mister Tarjeta "Amarilla?", creo que fue un poco forzada y simplista.

Es un libro entretenido, pero esperaba más del maestro del suspenso.

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