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Friday, April 20, 2012

Review: The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 Facts About the World's Greatest Human

The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 Facts About the World's Greatest Human
The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 Facts About the World's Greatest Human by Ian Spector

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am afraid Chuck Norris will kick me and kill me, but I didn´t find funny half of those facts, gotta say some were really funny though.

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Review: Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices

Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices by Steven Feuerstein

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although the book is considerably outdated (published in 2001) and it makes reference to a very old version of Oracle Database Manager (Oracle 8i), I found it really useful, because many of the advices and features are still present in the newer versions.

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Review: Los Juegos del Hambre

Los Juegos del Hambre
Los Juegos del Hambre by Suzanne Collins

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I haven´t watched the movie, but considering the success of it I was both curious and skeptical about this book. The book is really good,the plot has a very dynamic development, and I can see why it was made into a movie, it is full of action and surprises. I could not rate it 5 stars, because the ending seemed a little weak... I was hoping an ending that would make me wanna read the second book right away, but it wasn't the case (I will still read it, but not because I am intrigued)

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Review: Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices

Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices by Steven Feuerstein

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Although the book is considerably outdated (published in 2001) and it makes reference to a very old version of Oracle Database Manager (Oracle 8i), I found it really useful, because many of the advices and features are still present in the newer versions.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Review: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Desde antes de leer el libro tenia sentimientos encontrados acerca de Steve Jobs, por un lado una gran admiración y por otro lado la creencia de que estaba sobrevalorado como persona (se le atribuyen logros que en gran parte no le pertenecen).

Al terminar de leer el libro sigo con el mismo problema, pero por lo menos ahora tengo razones para sentirme así.

El libro esta extremadamente bien fundamentado, Walter Isaacson realmente hizo su tarea de investigación de una manera muy profesional , y lo único que le puedo reprochar es la constante (e irritante) repetición de argumentos sobre la naturaleza y bipolaridad de Jobs.

Al leerlo poco tiempo después de iWoz no puedo evitar comparar los dos libros, que aunque biográficos, son abismalmente diferentes, tan diferentes como diferentes eran las personalidades de los 2 Steves. iWoz es ameno, divertido e inspirador, mientras que el libro Steve Jobs es informativo de análisis y de un estudio casi psicológico de Steve Jobs.

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Review: iWoz

iWoz by Steve Wozniak

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very inspiring book, enjoyed every page of it.
Full of interesting anecdotes, fun and relatively unknown facts about Woz and Jobs, and Apple in general.
Reading the bad reviews on this book, I can see why so many people didn't like the boo.... yes Woz is super self-centered, and a kind of arrogant when talking about himself that well, but let's face it, the guy is a true genius, and is a really nice, centered, funny guy, so I don't mind him telling me about his highly accomplished life.
In my opinion, this is a book just for engineers, otherwise it will be very difficult for other kind of people to get the passion and excitement Woz was trying to achieve when writing it.

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Review: EL PARK GÜEL 1900-1914

EL PARK GÜEL 1900-1914
EL PARK GÜEL 1900-1914 by Marisa García Vergara

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Este libro es una joyita encontrada en el 6to remate de libros del Auditorio Nacional, es una breve pero ilustrativa guía de mis obras favoritas de Antoni Gaudí.

Explica no solo el parque como tal, sino el contexto histórico de Barcelona hace más de un siglo, época en la que el genio de Gaudí edificó esta maravilla, tambien es muy interesante la explicación sobre la simbología e inspiraciones que dieron forma a este lugar.

Como es de esperarse tiene varias fotografías que aunque el tamaño es reducido, ejemplifican muy bien el texto.

No da para 5 estrellas a falta de contenido (es bastante corto el libro).

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